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Joan Bruna: "Geometric Insights for Nonlinear TD Convergence"
Geometric Insights into the convergence of Non-linear TD Learning Joan Bruna
Joan Bruna: "On Computational Hardness with Graph Neural Networks"
(SAIF 2019) Day 2 : Geometric Deep Learning For Forecasting And Semi- Surevised Learning Joan Bruna
Joan Bruna: Convolutional Neural Networks against the Curse of Dimensionality
On Large Deviation Principles for Large Neural Networks - Joan Bruna
Joan Bruna: "On Sparse Linear Programming and (simple) neural networks"
Joan Bruna: On the Optimization Landscape of Neural Networks
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Deep Learning
On the Role of Data Structure in High-dimensional Learning
Multimodal, Vision, Audio, Joan Bruna & Meta AI - Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium - DLBCN 2021
Learning Geometric Reasoning and Control for Long-Horizon Tasks from Visual Input - ICRA 2021